The anime adaptation of The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today has finally been unveiled, and fans of the slice-of-life comedy genre are in for a...
Get ready to experience a musical extravaganza as the highly anticipated anime adaptation of the popular manga series, “Blue Orchestra,” is finally premiering on April 9th!...
Get ready to dive into the thrilling world of Collar x Malice, as the upcoming two-part anime movie is set to take audiences on a journey...
The wait for the highly-anticipated anime adaptation of Konoe’s light novel series “My One-Hit Kill Sister” is finally over! It turns out that Studio Gekko is animating...
Step into a world of crime and betrayal, where one man must sacrifice to protect those he loves. “My Home Hero“, the highly anticipated anime thriller,...
The Kingdoms of Ruin anime has been officially announced for this year. The news came directly from the anime’s official Twitter account on February 1, 2023....
The official website for “NeiR:Automata Ver1.1a” anime has confirmed that the series will be released on 7th January 2023 in Japan. It will be broadcasted every...
My Love Story With Yamada-Kun at Lv999 anime has been officially announced for April 2023 in Japan. The anime’s official website has also revealed a new...
Good news for the Isekai anime fans, Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2 has been officially announced. According to the official Twitter account of the series...
Jigokuraku Hell’s Paradise anime has been officially announced. Interestingly, this new anime is going to be animated by the MAPPA Studio which is the same studio...